How will we work with you?

These are challenging times. We believe that you'll need us to demonstrate 'value for money'? In order to do that we'll need to be able to evaluate the difference that the work we do has made against a set of agreed objectives. We aim to follow the process below for our self-awareness training, business coaching, personal development and more. It doesn't have to be complicated and, like the time invested in building a strong foundation for a building, it will pay off in the long run.

Following our free initial consultation, if you decide you'd like us to work with you we will...

  • Get to know you and your business

    Talking to you about your business and your plans for the future will help us to design a more effective programme. We'll talk to you about our costs and your budget and provide you with a detailed quote. If we don't have experience in your sector already we'll spend extra time with you getting to know how you work, the language you use and the culture of your organisation.

  • Explore your specific needs

    Based on advice given by Albert Einstein, before we solve a problem we aim to make sure that we understand it. That's what this stage is about and work here might include:

    • Staff surveys
    • Development needs analysis
    • Focus groups
    • Interviews
    • How much research we do will be your decision.
  • Design the solution

    This is our opportunity to be creative and at this stage we will work with you to:

    • Agree objectives and detailed content
    • Plan evaluation
    • Define the audience
    • Design activities
    • Select our team

    Before we move on to the next stage we will submit our detailed plan for your approval (with second quote if you've asked for a staged approach)

  • Deliver

    The implementation of our plan where we start to see the impact of all the work we've done so far, being prepared to be adaptable when circumstances change or something surprises us.

    • Engage with the target group
    • Ensure all involved are both challenged and supported
    • Oversee/provide admin support
    • Provide you with updates and feedback as necessary
  • Evaluate

    All too often, in our experience, this is thought about too late in the process. We will agree this with you at the design stage and it might include:

    • Evaluation forms
    • Repeat surveys
    • KPI measurement
    • Participant self assessment
    • 360° or 180° feedback